Accounting professionals say that the key to saving money during the holiday season is to eat before you go out shopping, budget, and to opt out of credit card use.
“One of the biggest keys to save money is to not use credit cards,” said Susan Cilluffo, a CPA. “If you use credit cards, you tend to overspend.”
Cilluffo said that you should purchase what you can afford, and do so in cash, therefore, allowing a person to be more aware of their finances.
When going out for the day, Cilluffo said eating lunch before going is a good way to help people save money on buying food or drinks while they are out holiday shopping.
“People will make shopping their entertainment of the day, so a lot of times that will include the Starbucks or the lunch and that increases your cost,” said Cilluffo.
Cilluffo said that to save money on buying gifts, the key really is to budget.
“You could do yourself a lot of good by putting a set amount of money away in an envelope in a drawer for example, then searching for the best price for the item,” said Cilluffo.
Cilluffo said that price comparing is a great effective way to save money.
“The best deals are going to come from really good research, said Cilluffo. “Do your online shopping, price compare, and you can even use an app that allows you to scan a barcode and compare prices that way,” said Cilluffo.